Active Living Guide

SUMMER Active Living Guide is LIVE online!
Summer Registration is OPEN!


Please visit our Registered Drop in Schedule and Registered Program page or our Facebook page for up to date programs and schedules!

Look for the FALL Active Living Guide coming August 12th!





Advertise with Us!

Our Active Living Guide Advertising is currently on hold. The City of Powell River offer’s local businesses and community organizations the opportunity to purchase advertising within the Active Living Guide. Advertising rates are as follows:

  • Inside Front Cover (7″ x 9.5″): $1250 (tax included)
  • Full Page (7″x 9.5″): $485 (tax included)
  • Half Page (7″x 4.6667″ or 3.4166″ x 9.5″): $295 (tax included)
  • Third Page (7″ x 3.0556″ or 2.2222″x 9.5″): $235
  • Quarter Page (3.4166″ x 4.6667″): $199 (tax included)