Invasive Species
Knotweed Removal
Have you got knotweed on your property & you’re in knots trying to get rid of it? We’re making great strides eradicating the nasty invasive species on city property. Help us make Powell River knotweed free. Here’s some info on how to kill it: Best management practices for knotweed.
Updated February 2023.
Knotweed on your property?
Are you located within the City of Powell River?
Available options for 2023:
- Cut the plant off about 2 inches above the ground.
- Slide a long strong wire or screwdriver down the hollow stem to pierce several stem segments. The wires are available for free by calling 604- 485-8635.
- Use Round-up (available at local garden supply centers) and spray your fresh cut and in the hollow stem with Roundup. Following all precautions on the container label!
- Call the City for free pickup at 604-485-8635. For a small amount, break up the tops and bag them. For a large amount we can discuss options.
The knotweed will re grow within a couple of months. Once regrowth hits about ¾” in diameter, follow the same procedure as above. Continue until regrowth stops. Alternately, spray the new small leaves with Roundup. If you are not comfortable with this method, please hire a local landscape contractor to assist you. An attempt to dig out knotweed will loosen up the soil and that allows it to regrow stronger and become more established. It will regrow from any missed piece of root. In the end, it will require more herbicide to eliminate it.
City of Powell River Parks Department